Welcome to my blog about mental health and wellbeing
Hi, I’m Katie. I’m a licensed mental health counselor and owner of HGCM Therapy. Along with individual and group therapy, I like to provide resources to improve access and attention to mental health and wellbeing. In this blog you will get tips and tools (coping skills), activities, and connections to other resources. I also write about topics that show up a lot in therapy. My hope is that this blog may bring you one step closer on your journey to mental wellbeing. Be well!

Activity: Identify the top 5 influences that impact how you view the world
Did you know that who you spend your time with (online and IRL) can have a huge impact on your mental health and wellbeing? Do this quick activity to learn more about who and what is influencing you and how it’s effecting your mood and how you think about yourself and others. Grab a pen and paper and take 10-5 minutes for this mental health activity. This is a great self reflection activity if you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or lonely.